iPSC technology became a promising breakthrough in regenerative medicine since 2006. Because of its high pluripotency, differentiation ability, non-ethical, and -immune problem, iPSC could also be of great use in studying molecular mechanism of many diseases currently. Moreover, iPSC technology has been employed in various diseases for disease modeling and gene therapy. Many toxic compounds which are encountered by humans and newly designed drugs may be evaluated for toxicity and effects by using iPSCs.

iPSC Generation

Application of iPSC Technology


The use of iPSCs for disease modeling is based on the fact that these cells are capable of self-renewing and can differentiate into all types of cells of the human body which can be utilized for different disease models to study those diseases.


The use of iPSC-based methodology is their complementarity to drug discovery or prediction of toxicity. Animals or in-vitro animal derived cells are used as testing systems but are limited to replicate the "exact" human physiological conditions and related phenotypic attributions.


In regenerative medicine, the injured tissues are repaired by the generation of those tissues from iPSCs in labs and then transplanting them to the site of injury or degeneration. Important issues associated with gene therapy are availability of tissue or organ and immunorejection.

Advantages of iPSC Technology

  • Limited ethical issues
  • Reduced chances of immunorejection
  • High-throughput screening for predicting toxicity/therapeutic response of newly developed drugs
  • Lowering the overall cost and risk of clinical trials
  • Development of a personalized approach for administration of drugs
  • Gene targeting and correction technologies (gene therapy)
  • Achievable consistent phenotypes for disease modeling with iPSCs

We are Your Trusted Partner

  • Worldwide accepted reprogramming approaches
  • No-integrated method to generate iPSCs
  • Over 95% reprogramming rate
  • Feed-free reprogramming service
  • Guaranteed service quality
  • Comprehensive characterization service of cells
  • Detailed report of experiment conditions

BioCytoceuticals is an experienced and outstanding provider of iPSC generation service. We are dedicated to providing detailed data and comprehensive service for your scientific research, and we are pleased to use our extensive experience and advanced platform to offer the best service to satisfy each demand from our customers.

If You Have Any Question About Our Service, Please Let Us Know.

Do not hesitate to contact us for this special service. Please let us know what you need and we will accommodate you. We are looking forward to working with you in the future.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.


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