Much of our current knowledge on the molecular pathways that lead to human cardiovascular disorders, such as Congenital heart disease, has come from heterologous expression systems and genetic animal models. However, considerable differences exist between the human and animal genomes. In addition, species-specific electrophysiological properties of cardiac myocytes resulting from the finely balanced gating characteristics of many distinct ionic currents lead to considerable functional species differences between human and nonhuman hearts. Therefore, It is therefore imperative to generate patient-specific models for relevant features of human cardiovascular physiology and in the context of the human genome.

Critical for the generation of stem cell-based model

Critical for the generation of stem cell-based models of disease are:

  • Selecting an appropriate disease target
  • Directing the differentiation into phenotype-relevant cell populations
  • Identifying disease-relevant phenotypes.

Combined with other novel technologies in the fields of human genetics, tissue engineering, and gene-targeted manipulation, disease modeling with pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) has the promise to influence modern cardiovascular medicine on several fronts: molecular understanding of pathological mechanisms; early diagnosis; drug development; effective treatment.

Characterization of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes  Characterization of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (iCMCs).

Comprehensive characterization services for disease-specific models are also provided.

BioCytoceuticals leads the industry in cellular therapy with commitment to providing the most appropriate solutions to address the needs of our clients. Our expert team of scientists applies comprehensive methods and most detail-oriented scrutiny to ensure only top-tier outcome is submitted.

If you have any special enquiries regarding our Cardiovascular Diseases models service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our highly professional technical supporting staffs will make sure your requests are faithfully received. We are looking forward to earning your business.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.


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